If you’re a programmer, freelancer, developer, or agency looking to customize the style of specific elements on your GemPages designs, adding extra CSS classes is an effective solution.
About CSS Classes
A CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) class is a rule defined in your website’s stylesheet that allows you to apply styles to elements.
By assigning a CSS class to an element, you can control its appearance, such as its size, color, spacing, and other visual properties.
In cases where you need advanced customization beyond the default settings in GemPages, you can write your own CSS code to style elements according to your preferences.
How to Add Custom CSS Class to Element?
Step 1: Click on the element you want to customize. This will open the element’s settings in the left sidebar.
Step 2: In the settings menu on the left sidebar, locate and click on the Advanced tab.
Scroll down to find the CSS Class field.
Step 3: In the CSS Class field, type the name of the CSS class you want to add.
If your CSS includes:
.red-text { color: red; }
.bold-text { font-weight: bold; }
Entering red-text bold-text in the CSS Class field will apply both red color and bold text to the element.
For further customization options, explore this article.
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