How GemPages Works with Themes?
GemPages is designed to work with all Shopify themes, including Online Store 2.0 themes. It integrates directly with your Shopify theme, allowing you to create and manage pages effortlessly.
For a detailed explanation, check out this article: GemPages and Themes.
What Happens When I Change the Theme?
1. Pages Transition Automatically
When you publish a new Shopify theme, all the pages created with GemPages are automatically carried over. There’s no need to manually move your pages; they are seamlessly applied to the new theme.
Note: The transition process may take some time depending on the number of your pages and their complexity.
2. Republish Pages After Changing the Theme
- After switching to a new theme, go to the GemPages Dashboard and open any template for editing.
- Click Publish to send a signal for GemPages to fully adapt to the new theme.
3. Pages Won’t Display Correctly in Unpublished Themes
If you preview your GemPages content in an unpublished theme, the design might not render as expected.
- Solution: Publish the theme in Shopify and then republish your GemPages templates. Verify the live store pages to ensure everything displays correctly.
4. Unexpected Errors During Peak Traffic Periods
Switching themes during peak traffic periods can cause temporary inconsistencies or unexpected errors.
- Recommendation: Change themes during off-peak hours to reduce disruptions. After switching, test all pages thoroughly to ensure they function properly.
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