How to Access the Template Library?
GemPages offers a diverse range of over 450 conversion rate optimization (CRO) templates tailored for various niches. To explore these templates:
Step 1: Within GemPages, go to the Pages section and click on Create new page to access Template Library.
Step 2: Explore the available templates categorized by page types such as Landing Pages, Homepages, Product Pages, Collection Pages, and more.
How to Use a Template to Build Your Page?
Step 1: In the Template Library, choose a template that suits your needs. Click on Select to create a new page based on the selected template.
Step 2: Use the GemPages editor to modify the template as you prefer.
Step 3: After customization, save your changes and publish the page to make it live on your store.
To make the page you created as default, refer to this article.
How to Import and Export Templates?
GemPages allows you to export templates from one store and import them into another, ensuring consistency across your stores.
To export a template:
Step 1: Navigate to the Pages section.
Step 2: Choose one or more templates to export (up to 20 templates).
A .gempages file will be downloaded to your device.
To import a template:
Step 1: Access the GemPages Dashboard. Navigate to the Pages section.
Step 2: Click on the Import page button at the top.
Step 3: Choose the .gempages file from your device.
Step 4: Click Import to add the template to your store.
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