Step 1: From the GemPages Dashboard, navigate to the Pages section.
Open the product page you wish to preview. If you haven’t designed a product page with GemPages yet, refer to this guide: Create a New Product Page.
Step 2: Click on the Product Module within your page. In the settings panel, locate the Product Source section.
Step 3: Choose a product to preview
You have two options to choose a product:
- Option 1: Display by Assigned Product
Choose from a list of products that are assigned to that product page template.
For instructions on assigning a product to a product page, refer to this article.
- Option 2: Select Manually
Manually choose a specific product on your Shopify store for preview purposes.
This is useful for testing how different products appear on the same template.
Step 4: Click on Change Preview (if you choose Display by Assigned Product)
Click on Pick Product (if you choose Select Manually)
Step 5: Select the product you want to preview.
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