About Featured Products
The Featured Products section is a popular choice for displaying a curated selection of special items in your store.
This section allows you to highlight products that may draw more customer interest, increasing the likelihood of sales. You can customize this section to show New Arrivals, Best Sellers, or any specific products you want to focus on from a collection.
How to Design a Featured Products List Section with GemPages?
Step 1: Create a Custom Collection
To get started, you need to create a custom collection from your Shopify Admin. Here’s how:
1. Log into your Shopify Admin panel.
2. Navigate to the Products section.
3. Click on Collections and then select Create collection.
4. Name your collection (e.g., Featured Products) and add any necessary details.
5. Assign the products you want to include in this collection, and then click Save.
Step 2: Add and Configure the Product List Element
Once your collection is set up, you can add the Product List element to your page:
1. Open your desired page in the GemPages editor.
2. Drag and drop the Product List element onto your page where you want the Featured Products section to appear.
Now, you’ll have two options:
- Option 1: Show Top Products from a Collection.
In the settings of the Product List element, select the custom collection you created. This option will automatically display the top products based on your defined criteria (like sales or popularity).
- Option 2: Hand-Pick Products
Alternatively, you can manually select which products to display. In the Product List settings, choose the Multiple Products option, and then Pick products.
To learn more about customizing the Product List element, check out GemPages Product List Element.
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