#1 The module size exceeded the 230KB limit
The most common reason is that your page exceeds the maximum size limit. If that’s the case, this message will appear:
Click on “Confirm” to start optimizing the module. After reducing the size, you will be able to publish the page without any problem.
When your module size is too large, the following are the three most popular scenarios:
1. You’re nesting too many elements inside a big Row. In that case, split them into separate sections to keep the row as light as possible. You also can consider removing some unnecessary elements or optimizing the images and videos to reduce their sizes.
2. You’re nesting too many elements inside a Tab or Accordion. In that scenario, first, try to lighten the images or videos inside the Tab/ Accordion if possible. Otherwise, you should consider a new layout since if a Tab/Accordion includes too many elements, the loading speed may also suffer.
3. You’ve copied the text from another source and kept the format which may lead to the redundant CSS code as below.
You can simply fix the issue by removing the previous format. Just copy and paste the text to a blank page and copy it back as plain text.
#2 Existed published URL (applicable for Landing Pages and Blog Posts only)
When it comes to Blog Posts and Landing pages, you might encounter a situation where you are unable to publish a page because it shares the same URL as a previously published page. In such instances, please take into account the option of modifying the page URL or unpublishing the existing page before proceeding to publish the desired one.
#3 No Publish slots available
Based on the pricing plan, the Free and Build plans have limits on the number of pages you can publish. If you’ve reached the limit, you won’t be able to publish any more pages. To resolve this, you can either unpublish some pages to free up space or consider upgrading your plan.
That’s all! If the error keeps occurring, please let our Customer Support team know directly via email & live chat for direct assistance!