- Ensure that GemPages is installed on both the source and destination Shopify stores.
- The Export function is not accessible on the Free plan; upgrading to a paid plan is necessary to use this feature.
How to Transfer a GemPages Template to Another Shopify Store?
Step 1: Access the GemPages Dashboard and navigate to the Pages section.
Step 2: Choose one or more templates to export (up to 20 templates). Next, click Export selected template at the bottom of your page.
Step 3: Confirm the export. If you’re the store owner, all elements, including images, will be included.
A .gempages file will be downloaded to your device.
Step 4: In the destination store, access the GemPages Dashboard and navigate to the Pages section.
Step 5: Click the Import page button at the top and upload the .gempages file from your device.
Step 6: Click Import to confirm. The imported template will appear in Draft status; you’ll need to publish it manually if desired.
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