GemPages offers two straightforward methods to convert a landing page into a product page:
Option 1: Change a Landing Page to a Product Page Using GemPages Dashboard
Step 1: Log in to your GemPages dashboard. Navigate to the Pages section.
Step 2: Locate the landing page you wish to convert. Click on the three-dot icon next to the page name.
Select Clone to other page types from the dropdown menu.
Step 3: In the dialog box that appears, choose Product Page as the new page type.
Step 4: Click Confirm to proceed. The duplicated page will now appear in the Product Pages section.
Option 2: Change a Landing Page to a Product Page Using GemPages Editor
Step 1: From your GemPages dashboard, navigate to the Pages section.
Click on the landing page you want to convert to open it in the editor.
Step 2: In the editor’s top bar, click on the three-dot menu (⋮). Select Clone to other page type from the dropdown options.
Step 3: Choose Product Page as the new page type in the dialog box.
Step 4: Click Confirm to proceed. The page will be duplicated and saved as a product page.
Step 5: In the GemPages editor, add any necessary product-specific elements. Publish the page to make it live on your store.
If you wish to set this newly created product page as the default for your store, follow the detailed instructions provided in this article.
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