For this article, we’ll be using GemPages V7. If you’re using V6, please refer to this article.
What’s the Product Vendor element?
Essentially, a vendor refers to any person or company providing goods or services on Shopify.
When it comes to GemPages, the Product Vendor element is specifically designed to showcase the vendor of your products right on your pages.
Add and Edit Vendors in Your Shopify Store
Step 1: Navigate to Shopify Admin > Products.
Here, you’ll find a vendor column next to each product, indicating the respective vendors.
Step 2: Choose the product for which you want to add or change the vendor.
Step 3: Scroll down to locate the vendor box on the right side.
Step 4: Enter or update the vendor name as desired.
Add and Adjust Product Vendor Element on GemPages
Step 1: Open GemPages and pick the page you want to change or add a Product Vendor to, which will take you to the GemPages editor.
Step 2: Head over to the ‘Element‘ tab and look up ‘Product Vendor’.
Step 3: Drag the Product Vendor element to your desired location.
Step 4: Customize the label as desired using the toolbar on the left.
Step 5: Click Save and then Publish
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