- This feature is exclusive to GemPages Version 7. To access the full export and import feature, consider upgrading to the Build plan or higher.
- For Version 6 users, refer to this article for transferring templates between stores.
About GemPages Export and Import Feature
GemPages’ Export and Import feature allows you to export one or multiple templates from your current store and import them seamlessly into another GemPages store. This ensures consistency across your web pages and saves you time.
How to Export a Template using GemPages V7?
Step 1: Access the GemPages Dashboard and navigate to the Pages section.
Step 2: Choose one or more templates to export (up to 20 templates). Next, click “Export selected template” at the bottom of your page.
Step 3: Confirm the template export. You’ll encounter one of two situations: If you’re not the store owner, images won’t be included in the export. If you are the owner, everything will export as expected.
Next, the export file (.gempages) will be downloaded to your device.
How to Import a Template using GemPages V7?
Step 1: Access the GemPages Dashboard and navigate to the Pages section.
Step 2: Click the “Import page” button at the top. Then, choose “Add file” to upload the file from your device.
Step 3: Click “Import” to confirm.
- The status of the imported template will be Draft. You will need to manually publish it if needed.
- After importing, GemPages will automatically generate a new page in the page list.
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