Mailchimp is well-known as an all-in-one Marketing Platform for small businesses. If you have been using Mailchimp for your marketing campaigns, rest assured that you can easily integrate the form into GemPages without touching the backend code of your store.
Please follow the instructions below to create a Mailchimp form for your store:
Step 1: Access the MailChimp account here.
- If you don’t have an account, click on Create an account.
- If you have one, log into your account with the Username and Password
Step 2: Click on Audience > Select Signup Forms.
Step 3: Select Embedded forms.
Step 4: Choose a form type and customize the Form options
For further detail, please refer to Mailchimp’s article on how to add a form to your website.
Step 5: Once the HTML snippet from MailChimp is generated, copy it.
Step 6: From the GemPages Dashboard, select your preferred template to edit.
Drag and drop the Liquid element into your desired position, then paste the HTML snippet into the Template tab.
Step 7: After everything is in place, hit “Save” and “Publish” to bring the update into your live store.
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