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Version 6

[V6] Create a Comparison Table Using the Row Element

Using the Row element, you can easily create a multi-column comparison table for your products in under 10 minutes with absolutely no coding required. This article will guide you through the steps....

[V6] Related Products element

This article will help you understand what Related Products are and how to use the element in GemPages. What is the Related Products element? Related products are recommendations for the main product that...

[V6] Create a Customer Note or Message for Orders

This article will show you how to add a custom text box to your product page so that your customers can leave you a message when purchasing a product. If you’re offering...

[V6] Create a Collection List Page

This article will guide you through the steps to create a collection list page using GemPages with absolutely no coding. What is a Collection list page? A Collection list is a page...

[V6] A Guide to GemPages’ Lazy Loading Feature

This article will explain to you what Lazy Loading is and how to enable the feature in GemPages. What is lazy loading? Lazy loading (also called on-demand loading) is a technique designed...

Rivyo Product Reviews

The Rivyo Product Reviews app is one of GemPages’ integrations that allows you to display product reviews, star badges, and testimonials on your page. This article will guide you through the steps...

Bold Product Options

The integration of Bold Product Options and GemPages now enables you to easily customize your online shopping experience by adding multiple product options and custom fields, regardless of the complexity of your...

[V6] How to assign collections to a specific page template

You should not be limited to just a single template for all of your collections. With GemPages, you can have multiple templates running at once and decide which collection uses which template,...

[V6] Dropdown element

This article will introduce you to the Dropdown element and how to best use it. About the Dropdown element The Dropdown element is usually used for a Contact Form to allow the...

[V6] (P) Stock Counter

This article will introduce you to the (P) Stock Counter element and how you can boost your sales by using the element to trigger FOMO in buyers. What is the (P) Stock...

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